The implication of Age and Use of Technologies in Reading Comprehension on Ecuadorian A2 Learners in Tertiary Education


  • Silvia Morales Morejón Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Marta Peña Alvarez Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Julio Mora Aristega Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Elma Ramírez Romero Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo

Palabras clave:

Age differences, A2 learners, Reading comprehension, Rewordify


This study aims to determine if learners´ age has an incidence in students` reading comprehension ability, analyzing these variables throughout three sceneries, using Google translator, a specialized software named Rewordify and without any technological resource. This study follows a quantitative approach, where a sample of 130 student`s responses was studied. The data analyzed lead researchers to conclude that there is no significant difference between learners from different ages on their capacity to understand a text in the Ecuadorian context; also, technology seems to be useful equally among aged groups.


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Cómo citar

Morales Morejón, S., Peña Alvarez, M., Mora Aristega, J., & Ramírez Romero, E. (2020). The implication of Age and Use of Technologies in Reading Comprehension on Ecuadorian A2 Learners in Tertiary Education. Journal of Science and Research, 5(CININGEC), 518–531. Recuperado a partir de

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