Assessment of knowledge in sexual and reproductive health in university students, 2022


  • Ana María Pasos Baño Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Ecuador
  • Aida Castro Posligua Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Ecuador
  • María Vanessa Delgado Cruz Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Ecuador
  • Luis Alberto Jiménez Chenche




The objective of the study is to assessment the level of knowledge about sexual and reproductive health of university students. Non-experimental, transversal and descriptive research. The sample is made up of 373 students during the academic period November 2022 - April 2023. A structured questionnaire was used with demographic information, 20 questions about knowledge in sexual health, the measurement scale High Knowledge Level was used: 15 - 20 points, Level of knowledge medium: 10-14 points, Low Knowledge Level: 0 - 9 points, 10 questions on knowledge in reproductive health, a scale was applied High Knowledge Level: 10 - 7 points, Medium Knowledge Level: 4-6 points and Level Low Knowledge: 0 - 3 points. The Google Forms tool and the Excel spreadsheet were used to observe the data. Conclusion, in relation to sexual health they have reached a high level of knowledge similar to reproductive health. It is striking when consulting about the source of information about sexuality, the respondents established that 57% search on the Internet, 37% from a medical consultation, and 6% from friends. Regarding the age range of beginning of active sexual life: 17% declared starting between 13-16 years old, 46% between 17-20 years old, 3% from 21 years old onwards, 17% have not started their sexual life and 17% abstained from responding. It was observed in the sample that 40% are in a stable relationship, while 60% stated the opposite.


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Abstract 80

How to Cite

Pasos Baño, A. M., Castro Posligua, A., Delgado Cruz, M. V., & Jiménez Chenche, L. A. (2023). Assessment of knowledge in sexual and reproductive health in university students, 2022. Journal of Science and Research: Revista Ciencia E Investigación, 8(II CICS). Retrieved from