Fomento y Fortalecimiento de la Cultura Inclusiva en el Cantón El Empalme-Guayas-Ecuador


  • Viviana Elizabeth Suárez Aldaz Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • Víctor Hugo Núñez Jiménez Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • Danny Fernando Pérez Castillo Estatal de Bolívar
  • Carlos Alfredo Gruezo González Universidad Estatal de Bolívar


Sports inclusion, inclusive city.


People with disabilities are subjected to a series of pressures such as discrimination and exclusion, which is why society currently seeks to promote an inclusive culture to achieve the incorporation of these people into society. In the present work, the perception of citizens about inclusion activities for people with disabilities is surveyed, with emphasis on accessibility for the mobility of people with disabilities in the El Empalme canton. The research is developed under a quantitative approach of an exploratory-descriptive type, for the collection of information the survey technique is used and two surveys as an instrument. Most of those surveyed are familiar with disability, since they either suffer from it or a family member, friend and/or acquaintance suffers from it. Inclusion was evident in sporting events, where attendees were able to see the effort and dedication of the participants, as well as their integration despite their disabilities. The work carried out to date in El Empalme reflects the commitment to design an inclusive city with fewer architectural barriers that impede mobility, where the changes implemented guarantee the rights of citizens and contribute to the reduction of social exclusion, marginalization, poverty and discrimination, helping in the inclusion in different areas, favoring the fulfillment of rights and access to opportunities for the development of the autonomy of people with disabilities.


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2022-01-04 — Updated on 2022-08-15


Abstract 217

How to Cite

Suárez Aldaz, V. E. ., Núñez Jiménez, V. H. ., Pérez Castillo, D. F. ., & Gruezo González, C. A. . (2022). Fomento y Fortalecimiento de la Cultura Inclusiva en el Cantón El Empalme-Guayas-Ecuador. Journal of Science and Research: Revista Ciencia E Investigación, 7(1), 67–79. Retrieved from (Original work published January 4, 2022)



Artículo de Investigación