Tackling SEN in the EFL Classroom within the Ecuadorian Higher Education Context
Giving attention to SEN is not a new concern worldwide; actually, UNESCO declared that countries around the world should take urgent actions to set up inclusive educational systems, which is easier said than done, particularly in low-income countries where the resources shortage turns the attention to SEN into a daunting challenge. In Ecuador, MinEduc took some measures to meet SEN in primary and secondary education. Unfortunately, these actions did not reach tertiary education where there is no practical application of the Guide to Equality and Educational Environment published by (Senescyt). Regarding EFL teaching, the horizon is even worse as there is neither framework nor awareness about SEN. This fact sets the gap to carry out this descriptive-combined investigation that selected the convenience sample method due to the pandemic drawbacks as well as the fact that most students with SEN object to being labeled as disabled persons. The data was gathered by using interviews and surveys, the first one gathered information through semi-structured questions, while the second one was through structured questions. The findings show that most students with disabilities were supported during their former education. Moreover, most English teachers claimed they know the process; the curricular adaptations; and the stakeholders’ responsibility to give attention to SEN, only when it is not their sole responsibility. In an attempt to tackle this issue, this study suggests responsibilities and proposes strategies that might be of great benefit for English teachers when it comes to teaching students with SEN.
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Derechos de autor 2022 Wellintong Segundo Intriago Alcivar, Glenda Cecibel Intriago Alcivar, Olga María de los Angeles Cárdenas Guanoluisa, Angel Roberto Rivas Mora

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