Innovación en los vinos de La Rioja


  • Yolanda Esperanza Ledesma Silva Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Ángel Rodrigo Cobos Universidad Central del Ecuador


Palabras clave:

Spain, strategy, innovation, Rioja wines


Innovation is not only based on the work done in the vineyard, such as different locations, duct systems, types of irrigation, protection against pests and diseases, as well as the management to be given to the wineries, for example, carbonic maceration which is used for storage of a white wine. These techniques are applied to seek improvements cupping mouth and nose. Then, the question arises: what is most important for winegrowers, maintaining traditional production practices or changes (innovation) that may occur in different processes? This paper explains the different techniques and methods used in order to allow for innovation in the production and distribution of wine in the region of La Rioja, both with traditional strategies such as the use of technology in the wineries, and innovation in production processes of wine, wine Agro industrial District, the sustainability of Rioja wines and Clusters. The Triple Helix is also used as a method to analyze the relationships between the government, the wine industry and the university. The main result says that is more relevant the use of innovation in the production and distribution of wine in the Rioja region, although for the Spanish winemakers is important to preserve their traditional practices in the cultivation and marketing of wines. Finally, this paper enable winemakers and the audience have a clear idea about the different benefits for innovation in the various production processes in Rioja wines.


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Resumen 602

Cómo citar

Ledesma Silva, Y. E., & Cobos, Ángel R. (2017). Innovación en los vinos de La Rioja. Journal of Science and Research, 2(8), 44–49.



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