Epidemiological profile of non-melanoma skin cancer in Guayaquil, period 2001-2015


  • Jhony Joe Real Cotto Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Leyda Elizabeth Jaramillo Feijoo SOLCA Guayaquil
  • Rina Mariuxi Quinto Briones SOLCA Guayaquil
  • Roddy Andrés Real Roby Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo


Behavior, incidence, trend, cancer, skin.


Skin cancer has been increasing in recent years, to the point that it is considered a public health problem. Objective. Establish the epidemiological profile of non-melanoma skin cancer in Guayaquil, between 2001 and 2015. Methodology. Observational study, with a longitudinal descriptive research design; its population and sample is Guayaquil city from 2001 to 2015, patients diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer. Results. On a five-year basis, it had a rate of 19.67 cases 100 000 inhabitants in the period 2001 - 2005, (men 9,95; women 9,72). Period 2006 - 2010 of 33,30 cases (men 19,87, women 17,05). Period 2011 to 2015 of 59.8 cases (men 30,7; women 29,1); observing an increase in a general way, and in both sexes that triples the cases between the first and third period; with a slight majority of cases in men. With the tendency to increase the crude rate in 2001 of 14.60; 2005 with 22.33; in 2010 with 45.70 and in 2015 with 62.98 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, corroborated with the polynomial trend where 91.1% variability was obtained. The age group of 75 years old and over had the highest rate, followed by those between the ages of 60 to 75 years. Conclusions. Non-melanoma skin cancer affects older adults and the more the age increases, the greater the risk, so an early diagnosis should be encouraged.


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Abstract 442

How to Cite

Real Cotto, J. J., Jaramillo Feijoo, L. E., Quinto Briones, R. M., & Real Roby, R. A. (2020). Epidemiological profile of non-melanoma skin cancer in Guayaquil, period 2001-2015. Journal of Science and Research: Revista Ciencia E Investigación, 5(CININGEC), 433–442. Retrieved from https://revistas.utb.edu.ec/index.php/sr/article/view/1020

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