Dairy consumption and its relationship with height in children aged 1 to 5 years in the province of los rios. In the period november 2022 – april 2023


  • Wilma Campoverde Celi Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Ecuador
  • Alejandro Herrera Holguín
  • Lourdes Azogue Chugchilan, Azogue Chugchilan


Lácteos, calcio, talla baja, desnutrición crónica


Malnutrition in children triggers eating disorders such as underweight, short stature, and other deficiencies-related diseases. Conversely, an adequate nutrient supply in the diet can be a strong protective factor. The main causes within eating disorders in children are associated to the limited access to nutritious food, diets lacking primary foods, among others. Additionally, sanitation, economic issues, and educational factors of their guardians exacerbate the issue. Milk and milk derivatives are deemed as primary foods due to their high nutritional values. Their calcium intake is closely related to the linear growth and bone mineralization. Based on this context, a multicenter observational and cross-sectional study was carried out with 360 children aged 1 to 5 years old in some places across Los Rios province.

A quantitative survey on frequency of food consumption allowed to measure dairy and calcium intake. Thus, some measurements were necessary to know the average children’s growth. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and for variable relationship the Chi-square test was employed. It was concluded that 17% of children are dealing with growth retardation and 4% face a more severe growth retardation


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Abstract 50

How to Cite

Campoverde Celi, W., Herrera Holguín, A., & Azogue Chugchilan, L. A. C. (2023). Dairy consumption and its relationship with height in children aged 1 to 5 years in the province of los rios. In the period november 2022 – april 2023. Journal of Science and Research: Revista Ciencia E Investigación, 8(II CICS). Retrieved from https://revistas.utb.edu.ec/index.php/sr/article/view/3118