Importance of working with the student digital portfolio for the writing skills development in the english language


  • Kerly Jazmin Feijóo Rojas Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Cecilia Elizabeth Dahik Solis Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Cecilia Isabel Cáneppa Muñoz Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo


This paper describes a significant experience about how to be worked a digital portfolio with the students of fifth semester of Bilingual Secretarial School from Technical University of Babahoyo. This was of great help to develop the linguistic competences of the English language and at the same time, it strengthened the writing skill because of students wrote detailed each class scenario as much as in and out of it with their respective activities. Apart from strengthening writing skills, this helps the development of critical thinking, reflection and even more, allows students to root their own learning by becoming highly active actors in the learning process. Finally, this research shows how the digital portfolio should be worked and how it should be assessed by students and teachers.


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Cómo citar

Feijóo Rojas, K. J., Dahik Solis, C. E., & Cáneppa Muñoz, C. I. (2020). Importance of working with the student digital portfolio for the writing skills development in the english language. Magazine De Las Ciencias: Revista De Investigación E Innovación, 5(6). Recuperado a partir de


